Perseverence is the key to success. I have heard this quote before used in many contexts, but it has become a reality for me lately. During this unprecedented time of Covid-19 quarantine, I have been challenged in many ways. Challenged to be a good husband, a good father and a good employee. It has not been easy and it has been a heavy burden to carry. I have struggled to maintain the balance of all these things and I have failed more drastically then when I was able to leave the house each day to separate these responsibilities physically. It has been a learning experience for me in how to control my thoughts, speak only after thinking and generally controlling myself when I get frustrated or tired. But, it has not been all bad. I have had more time to spend with my family and that ultimately is a good thing. This season has reminded me to be more present and more involved in the day by day routine of our household. Learning to share the responsibility of looking after our child